Nodemcu Amica Lua Wifi V3 4MB 32MBITS Flash ESP8266 ESP12 CP2102

Rp. 47.500
Deskripsi : - Based ESP8266 Serial WiFi SoC dengan onboard USB to TTL menggunakan IC CP2102 (USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port) - Bisa diprogram langsung lewat USB. - Development Board dengan Open-Source Firmware ini dapat dipergunakan untuk mendevelop aplikasi IoT hanya dengan beberapa baris Lua script. - Wireless standard : IEEE 802.11b/g/n - 6 x Digital I/O, 3 x PWM Channels, 1 x ADC Channel - Full I/O control through WiFi network - GPIO with 15mA current drive capability - Supports Smart Link intelligent networking - Built in 32-bit MCU - built-in TCP/IP protocol stack, and support multiple TCP Client connection - UART/GPIO data communication interface
